Photographs are key in capturing a potential buyers attention and showcasing exactly what a property has to offer. There are various elements in creating a great set of photos. Making sure the room is dressed correctly, furniture in the optimum position and clear views across the room. The angle of the photos needs to give a good impression of the room. Setting the camera up correctly is arguably the most important element. The lighting conditions need to be assessed, how sunny it is outside, how bright the room is, are there light and dark areas in the room? In some scenarios a flash might be most suitable. Bracketed photos may be a better option, taking multiple shots at different exposure setting and using Lightroom to merge the best elements of each shot. We use the latest techniques to ensure the photos are the best they could be.

The most important aspect of the marketing details is without doubt – the photographs.
Important to clearly show the potential buyer the layout. It is very difficult to imagine the flow of a property without them.
The feel of a property is very much guided by the layout. It is very difficult to imagine the layout without a floor plan. Pictures only go so far, great for showing off each room but extremely difficult to imagine how each room connects to the others. This is where a floor plan comes in. Clearly indicating how each room interacts with another, helping to paint a picture of the buyers potential next home.
virtual tours
A relatively new technology. They are a collection of 360 photos, taken with a specialist camera. The images are then connected together to give the buyer the impression of walking through the property. A real advantage of this technology is that we can login online with the buyer and show them around the property. This give us a chance to talk them through the property as they take the tour.
viDEO tours
Video Tours are fantastic for showcasing the property without going to view it. They give the impression of walking through the property from the comfort of your home. They are becoming very popular, they look fantastic and they are a great way to present your home. There’s nothing quite like a video tour to convey the full potential to a new buyer.